More customers are switching to a plant-based or vegetarian diet. 4.5% of the UK population now have a vegetarian or vegan diet, with the latest figures showing that there are just over 3 million vegetarian and vegans in the UK.*

We know many customers will look to reduce or remove meat from their everyday diets in January. We wanted to make it easy for customers to navigate the plant-based and vegetarian categories, to explore the new flavours that a plant-based on vegetarian diet can bring.

These ranges have lots of fast innovation, so we knew this was a chance to shout about the huge selection of new cuisines available.

How we did it

We wanted to help educate and inspire customers about this wide range of products and innovative ideas happening within the meat-free category.

At Nectar360, we created a range of media packages with different costs for our clients, enabling a wide range of brands to take part and engage with customers using shared creative to feature their products.  This worked really well, enabling us to get nearly 20 suppliers involved in the campaign.

An omni-channel approach

Our in-house creative agency Zest were fundamental in delivering a design that was consistent across all channels, to help tie all of the media elements together.  It helped increase recall when a customer arrived to the store, as well as helping customers to navigate and spot the participating products, no matter which category they were sat within.

To tie it all together

Our in-house creative agency Zest were fundamental in delivering a design that was consistent across all channels, to help tie all of the media elements together. It helped increase recall when a customer gets to the store, as well as helping customers to navigate and spot the participating products, no matter which category they were sat within.



*Source – the Vegetarian society.

Case Study


Green&Black’s team up with Sainsbury’s to create some tasty wine pairings.
Green & Black's chocolate bars for pairing campaign
Case Study

Summer Cocktails 2021

Mixing up an engaging Sainsbury’s BWS campaign
Summer cocktails for Sainsbury's summer cocktails campaign.